Phenominal Cosmic Power…

November 12, 2009 at 5:19 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Ok, so maybe using a quote from a Disney movie probably isn’t the best way to start out my first HNT, but we will see won’t we? We see them everyday and for the most part we take them for granted. We use them constantly and never look at the fascinating  mechanical marvels we have (no pun intended) at our fingertips. I’m of course talking about our hands. From mill workers pushing steel to a nurse cradling a new born baby, gently putting it in the new mother’s arms for the first time, our hands are capable of great strength as well as equally great gentleness. Last night however, a friend of mine referred to my hands in a way I hadn’t heard mine referred to as, a hammer. While I’ve always been conscious of my size relative to others, I was always the big kid in school, the protector (think Adam Baldwin in “My Bodyguard”, haven’t seen it? Go rent it. Now.I’ll wait.). Anyhow, after some play and the seventh or eight smack on her bare bottom, she commented, “Geez, you hit like a hammer.” She meant it in a positive way, she enjoys a good spanking. But it just got me thinking of all the way our hands can be used, from our jobs, to our personal lives, to our intimate times. Our hands hold the power to do so much, if just harnessed in the right direction. We all hold the power in our hands.



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  1. Yay! I'm the first to comment on a new HNT-er!

    Welcome to the HNT joy!


  2. Yup! Popped my HNT cherry. Thanks and hope you come back!

  3. Lovely post. Welcome to HNT! 🙂

  4. Welcome to HNT. 🙂

    I should take a picture of mine and T's hands. That's funny shit.


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